Pater Zacharias
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in der Diözese Hamburg
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Beziehung Mutter-Tochter
My name is Zita, I have a family, husband and 2 grown up daughters. My oldest daughter is 29 years old. My relationship with her was very difficult. She did not want to listen to me and take any of my advises. For her it was related with faith. She even said once “I hate you.” Her hatred was accompanying me everywhere. The reason of this hatred was my Christian faith.
I was participating in the retreat with father Zacharias. During the prayer of forgiveness I remembered the words of my daughter “I hate you.” I was trying to forgive her many times, but I could not, so this time I was trying very hard. After the prayer father Zacharias said: “One woman forgave to her daughter. Who is she?” I understood that it is me. I raised my hand. Immediately I felt that I do not have that burden that I was carrying for many years.

One day I was together with my daughter, we had a pleasant talk. I had a thought to apologize to my daughter for my behavior that was probably hurting her. When her friend first came to us, my behavior was very unpleasant and humiliating. Forgiveness to my daughter freed me and I was able to humble myself in front of mu daughter. Both of us cried, later we kissed each other, which never happened before.
I am grateful to God for the grace of forgiveness!

Zita B., Kaunas