Pater Zacharias
Über Pater Zacharias
in der Diözese Hamburg
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Lehrer-Schüler Beziehung
I am 16 years old. I am a student. This June, right before the end of the study year I got sick, I was in the hospital, I had very bad headache. Doctors could not find a reason. Father Zacharias prayed for me and he felt that there is one angry woman in my life that I need to forgive her. In the beginning I do not pay attention, but my mother reminded me the headteacher of my class. She is a teacher of mathematics, very strict. I realized that I have difficulties in the school because of her behavior with me. Teacher did not like me, she was humiliating me, mocking me in front of other students. But after the prayer of father Zacharias, when the new study year came, my relationship with the headteacher obviously changed. I am better in mathematics, and I get many praises form my school. Now I am well, I do not have headache anymore. Thanks to father Zacharias for his insight and prayer.

Salomeja-Marija K., Kaunas