Pater Zacharias
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Ablehnung in der Schwangerschaft, Exerzitien für Familien, körperliche Heilung
In 2007 my son Jonas Jakštas, 11 year old boy got a disease, when his body destroy itself. He got well after some time in the hospital in Vilnius. But Jonas was very week, he was getting tired very quickly, often he would have fever. He lost his weight and for a long time his height was the same. Jonas was languishing in my eyes. His legs seemed to be transparent and every time when I looked at him he would seem weaker.

In 2008 we were participating in the camp for families in Pakutuvenai. Father Zacharias was leading retreat there. We had prayer for people, but my son run away that evening. But next day he was standing at the door and staring at father Zacharias who was praying. Father invited Jonas for prayer. After few moments he invited me too. Father Zacharias was smiling and lifted up Jonas saying that he will grow up big and healthy. He also asked was there some rejection when I was expecting him. And it was. We went out from the room and I was looking at my son who was running away and I saw that his body wasn't pale anymore. I hardly believed that what I saw 15 minutes ago wasn't there. First I sought that it is temporarily. But in August we checked his height and he grew up 1 cm. In a month. For us it was a big joy and a sign that his health is much better. Last winter hi did not get sick. Jonas himself very often reminds me that he is cured.

I believe that and Jonas himself believes. Sometimes I want to check his blood. But if God cured him...?
Thanks God.

Vitalija J. from Kaunas